Hi There...
welcome to Storey Sport
I'm really pleased you've looked me up - I'd love to help.
My name is Alison Storey, and after retiring from the NZ Rowing Team I started Storey Sport. I know, it's tricky to sort through everything on the internet and find the right information about how to train for your age or for your sport, right? Or to find someone that listens to what you need as a unique individual, taking into account your mobility, your lifestyle, and your goals?
So I set about using my knowledge, qualifications and experience to earn the trust of Cambridge as your local expert and have been in business since 2006. I won the New Zealand Personal Trainer of the Year two years in a row, and in 2015 I trademarked the Storey Sport motto...
I specialise in two areas;
- Fitness for those over 50
- Sport specific Strength and Conditioning programs for athletes in minority sports
I have been a high performance athlete, I've also had times of debilitating injuries and illnesses with lengthy spells of rehabilitation, and now I'm over 50 - all of these life experiences and qualifications I aim to put to good use to help you optimise your health and performance - whether it be to age well, or to reach your sporting potential.
I'd really like to help you REAP THE REWARDS using my experiences, my passion for sport and exercise (and let's face it, keep putting that Masters degree to good use!) so please check out the Services page for ways in which we can make this happen.
I look forward to talking to you soon!
Have a fabulous day

what we offer
our services
We provide a range of services and support to suit different needs and lifestyles.